Trigger Data
MCA Trigger Leads
One of the best lists to use to identify business owners who need working capital is our Trigger Lead List. Trigger Leads target merchants who are currently in the market to obtain financing for their business. This list contains business owners who have made applications for financing. These lists are available in real time or as an aged file. Ideal file if you are looking to target merchants who need MCA, equipment leasing or SBA / Bank loans.
In addition to basic contact information like company name, business address and phone number, we go the extra mile to identify cell phones and emails where they are available. Our goal is to provide you the most robust trigger list, with the most contact options available to reach the merchant. We pride ourselves on having the most accurate databases so you can expect a minimum of 93% accuracy on the information contained in these lists.Trigger leads can be targeted by industry and state. They can be segmented by time frame. If you are looking for a new source of data to fuel your marketing campaigns, consider a targeted list of trigger leads.
Trigger Leads are ideal for the following marketing campaigns
- Telemarketing
- Direct Mail
- Email Marketing
- SMS/ Text Messaging
Trigger Leads contain the following Info
- Company Name
- Owner Name
- Physical Address
- Phone Number
- Trigger Date
- Industry Type
- Industry SIC Code
- Cell Phone* (where available)
- Email Address* (where available)

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