5 Top Attributes that Will Make You an Ideal MCA Financing Company

Ever since traditional banks have tightened the eligibility criteria and introduced new strict regulations in the loan approval process, businesses are looking for alternative financing options. And, merchant cash advance loans come out to be the best alternative for cash-strapped companies looking to purchase inventory, pay wages, or even to pay down their debts.

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Struggling with wasted Business Loan Leads? Invest in an MCA Lead Generation Service & Get a Boost in Your Business

A consistent lead flow helps you grow.

In the merchant cash advance business, wasted leads are a disadvantage, especially if your business is not attracting relevant and quality leads. MCA business owners will agree to the fact that quality business loan leads work as the lifeblood for the business. Generating quality leads is the most challenging task. After all, it’s the quality of the leads that really matters. Well, if you’re struggling with wasted business loan leads, then it’s the right time to think about investing in quality a MCA lead generation service and getting a boost in your business.

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Want to Grow Your Merchant Cash Advance Business? Getting a UCC Leads List Will Help

Those who are working in the merchant cash advance industry are quite aware of the importance of building clients and encouraging them to acquire MCA loans. For businesses, finding prospective clients and targeting them is relatively easy—you know who to target and how to reach them. However, the merchant cash advance industry is completely different. When it comes to searching for new merchant cash advance leads, you need to look for a reliable and beneficial source such as UCC lists.

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SBA or MCA – Which is the Better Funding Option for Small Businesses?

While gigantic companies and multinational corporations seek credit for special operations, small businesses, the ones who have just entered the corporate world, are short of finances and need capital to fund their day-to-day operations. In the starting phase of a business, there are so many things that are needed, such as inventory, hiring staff, technology, etc. Entrepreneurs know how difficult it is to manage the expenses and operate a business with low funds. Also, they need cash to make payroll, pay taxes, or avoid defaulting on existing debt obligations.

Every company, whether it is in construction or is a clothing merchant, in its starting phase needs financial support to grow and maintain their business. Usually, the companies seek funds from loan providers to meet their business operations. The flexibility granted by a loan or cash advance can mean the difference between thriving in a tough economy and joining the half of small businesses that fail during the first five years.

merchant account cash advance

For this reason, business owners really need to know what would be the best funding option for them. The two major funding options for small businesses are SBA loans and Merchant Cash Advances or MCAs. SBA loans are loans to small businesses who are unable to get a business loan through normal lending channels, with reasonable terms. The program operates through private-sector lenders that provide business loans which are guaranteed by the SBA or the Small Business Administration. A merchant cash advance is a quick and easy business funding option without the need for collateral. The MCA loans require no formalities, no credit checks, and are provided by private lenders. There is no involvement from any bank or other traditional loan providers.

SBA vs. MCA – Picking the Better Option

Still, many people are confused on which is the better option. Let’s make a comparison between the two and see which will work best for you.

Based on financing amounts, SBA loans offer numerous benefits. For organizations that need a few million dollars quickly, an SBA can be their best option. The approval time is around one week, and disbursement takes up to six weeks. The organization’s lending standards favor manufacturers with equipment and property as collateral. Now, merchant cash advances can start from $10,000 and can go up to $51 million. With merchant cash advances, business owners can access funds within a week and even within 72 hours in certain cases.

The next important comparison criterion is what the minimum qualification to apply for a loan is. When applying for an SBA loan, the applicant must meet a lengthy list of terms and conditions and even additional ones that have been set by the originating bank. For instance, an applicant,

  • Must base for-profit operations in the US
  • Cannot request government help before using up personal assets
  • Cannot be involved in certain financial, political, or religious activities
  • Cannot be delinquent on taxes or any other debts to the federal government

However, merchant cash advances do not require collateral or a personal guarantee. In most cases, even if the entrepreneur has a bad credit report or past bankruptcies, then they may still qualify for merchant funding. There are no major requirements for qualifying for merchant cash advances.

  • Few months operating history, which is sometimes optional
  • Monthly gross credit card sales, the amount generally depends on your loan provider
  • Documented gross monthly sales
  • No formalities and no credit checks

See Also: Count the Benefits that Your MCA Leads Can Get from a Merchant Cash Advance Loan.

Merchant cash advances offer easy applications, fast processing, and repayments are even easier. The merchant funding companies recoup their funds by collecting a certain percentage of total credit card sales. So, we can say that merchant cash advance loans can be a little expensive as compared to traditional bank funding, but they are more flexible and forgiving with easy processing and even simpler repayments.

How Can the Hospitality Industry Benefit From Merchant Cash Advances?

Hospitality operators, new or established, are well aware of how finding finances to start up or grow their business has become tough over the past years. The people who are working in the hospitality industry agree that bank lending isn’t the same as it used to be. Getting loans from traditional banks is quite complex nowadays with so many formalities, comprehensive credit checks, and much more, which are difficult to meet, especially for the startups. One form of hospitality financing that is gaining popularity is the Merchant Cash Advance or MCA.

Continue reading How Can the Hospitality Industry Benefit From Merchant Cash Advances?

How Targeting the Right Segment of MCA Leads Helps You Achieve a Better ROI for Your Business

It seems businesses have to get more and more traffic now days!

You put your heart, mind, and soul into getting leads for your business. At times, you might also be trying hard with your lead conversion strategies. But all the tricks and tactics fail when your business strategy lacks clarity in terms of targeting the right segment of people. Well, the ultimate goals of any business are to drive more traffic, attract more customers, bring more leads, and finally sell more! But what should you expect in terms of revenue or returns? Do you have a good amount of MCA leads for your business? And is it doing well when it comes to meeting your desired set of goals and expectations?

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Count the Benefits that Your MCA Leads Can Get from a Merchant Cash Advance Loan.

Taking a business loan from a traditional bank involves tons of complexities. It’s just not easy! Poor credit history or no credit history makes it very difficult to get approved. But, that’s how traditional banks operate. So, why go the complex route when there is a much simpler way to get your business financed?

Merchant Cash Advance Loans

Merchant Cash Advance Loans are the quicker and easier way to get the funding you need!

So, whatever business goals you have—adding more stock to your inventory or hiring new staff, paying salary to your staff or buying a new piece of equipment—a Merchant Cash Advance is the right fund provider for your business.  And on the top of that, the entire process of getting the loan is very easy! You don’t need to struggle with any drawn out application process or have to face any unnecessary delays. There are multiple benefits that your MCA leads can avail from a merchant cash advance loan.

Understand Merchant cash advance loans first

In simple terms, merchant cash advance loans are  lump sum cash provided to your MCA leads against the future sales of their business. This is the only principle on which merchant cash advance loans operate. You need to commit a percentage of your future sales to the MCA lender. You can borrow this advance based on your current sales deposits, and then you’re absolutely free to invest the money the way you want for your business. And your MCA leads can avail this type of advance instantly and more conveniently than any other funding option.

So, sit back and count the benefits. There’s a lot that merchant cash advances promise.

Easy documentation

There is no arduous paperwork involved with a merchant cash advance loan. MCA providers operate on very simple criteria. Monthly credit card returns and the length of time in business. Say, the minimum credit required is $5000 and the time in business is nine months. Your MCA leads just need to process two months of bank statements, a copy of a mortgage or lease statement, and identification proof to streamline the whole application process.

Speedy approval

The approval process depends on how your business is performing in the market presently. There is nothing to evaluate from credit reports. The basic need is the stability of your business and the monthly income of the past few months. That’s why the approval rate of a merchant cash advance loan is really high as compared to other commercial loans.

SEE ALSO: Targeting the Right Market: The Key to Optimal Revenue in the MCA Business Loan Industry

Instant access to cash

The fast approval of your business loan application gives you instant access to the cash for your business needs. Normally, it just takes a week’s time to get the cash in hand. So, the entire process consumes less time and lets your MCA leads plan their business ahead.

Easy and relaxed repayments

When it comes to repayment, the amount varies because it depends on the monthly sales volume your MCA leads generate. In simple terms, higher sales mean higher deposits and lower sales mean lower deposits, which is quite different from a fixed monthly installment when it comes to commercial loans.

Buying UCC Leads to Market Your Loan? Explain How a MCA Is Better than a Credit Cash Advance

Even though alternative modes of funding have flooded the market, businesses are still opting for credit cash advances. Since, funds are always needed by business owners, it’s time that you mention the differences between a credit card cash advance and a MCA when you market your loan to UCC leads.

During lean times, one of the biggest decisions business owners need to make is where to get additional capital from and how to obtain it.

Continue reading Buying UCC Leads to Market Your Loan? Explain How a MCA Is Better than a Credit Cash Advance

Five Advantages of Merchant Cash Advance MCA Leads That You Need to Know About

All merchant cash advance providers understand that MCA leads won’t be interested in taking a loan from them unless they are convinced about the benefits. And, the way providers educate them makes all the difference in the sale.

Cash is the most essential requirement of every small or mid-sized business enterprise. It is used for making payments to employees, suppliers, inventory maintenance, and a number of other functions for business growth. As a result of recession, the credit market has tightened its rules, and in other words, most banks are incapable of providing businesses with cash advances. So, what should businesses do to fulfil this requirement? Go for a Merchant Cash Advance!

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Common Mistakes by Marketers While Using Merchant Cash Advance Mailing Lists

Each year we witness new and prospecting merchant cash advance businesses, run mainly by small business owners and entrepreneurs. All these people who are new in the MCA industry get to see the real world: a world beyond virtual life and social media. What fascinates these newcomers is the fact that they can connect with prospecting clients by means of mailing them a small write up about themselves. But no technique “guarantees” success. Some small easy-to-make mistakes can ruin it all. Now the question is, even if you have a merchant cash advance mailing list, how should the direct mailing campaign be designed so that it reduces or avoids the probability of making these mistakes? Here are some of the mistakes easily made that are quite avoidable:

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