Know Why Your Business Loan Marketing Has a Greater Chance of Succeeding!

Ever since the 2008 financial crisis, banks have approved a very insignificant percentage of business loans, especially when it comes to small businesses. In spite of the economy recovering and an increasing demand for small business credit, banks have been refusing loans to small businesses.

business loans

However, the reason is not just low credit scores following the recession; several other factors play a significant role in making banks shun small businesses from their portfolio. Let’s have a look at those factors below:

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Turnkey Direct Mail Programs for Assured Leads

In today’s market, organizations need to employ many different methods in order to grow their businesses. In order for a business to grow, they ultimately need working capital, which can be hard to obtain by today’s standards. Business loans are a great way for a small business to get the capital needed to invest in their business. However, many banks are leery of loaning funds to small businesses. Luckily for small businesses, Merchant Cash Advances are becoming the new normal, when businesses need funding. At Merchant Financing, our turnkey direct mail programs are particularly intended to help organizations associate with business owners who are actively looking for a merchant cash advance.

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Three Things You Must Do for Strategic Lead Generation

With commercial credit markets tightening up, it has become more difficult for businesses to get a loan or working capital. In spite of this, with merchant cash advances available, businesses now have the option of a sustainable alternative to a business loan that is both fast and reliable. However, which leads generation service provider you choose is a decision that should be based on your knowledge and observation rather than instinct. Below are a few successful strategies that we follow, which will help you be an informed decision maker.

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Merchant Cash Advance Advertising is No Longer Rocket Science!

Imagine sitting in front of your PC on a Monday morning and finding dozens of hot leads in your inbox. So many that it’s only leads you see throughout the day, arriving in your inbox back to back. Well, that would certainly be an awesome day, and it would give a boost to your business. Merchant cash advance lead generation is a great way to get new business. Now, don’t waste your time gazing at people at a trade show thinking your makeshift stall will attract people that might be interested in filling out a form. This is certainly not how you’ll create a list of merchant cash advance leads for your MCA business. Instead, you could get in touch with a professional lead generation company that can supply you with the highly targeted leads for your merchant cash advance marketing strategies. Continue reading Merchant Cash Advance Advertising is No Longer Rocket Science!

Get More out of Your Merchant Cash Advance Advertising with Quality Leads

It has often been observed that most of the people you try to reach through cold calling for Merchant Cash Advance Leads are the ones who are not interested at all. You follow up with prospective customers, working extensively towards fostering a relationship with them, until they are convinced enough to buy from you. Well, they might sound convinced, but there’s no guarantee. And on top of that, it turns out to be a very time consuming task. Thus, it would make more sense to try your Merchant Cash Advance advertising on active Merchant Cash Advance buyers. Your sales rep can build long lasting relationships with these active buyers, since they have already expressed interest in your service. Instead, it can be a nice opportunity where your sales representatives can demonstrate your company’s potential by converting the lead as a result.

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Feel the Difference in Your ACH Marketing with ACH Leads

In the current scenario, while traditional banks are no longer catering to the funding demands of small businesses, alternative ways for funding have emerged in the market. After the recession, companies lost their credit ratings, and they were not eligible to be approved for loans. However, they still needed funding to sustain their business or for business expansions. At that point, it was the right time for Merchant Cash Advance lenders to step in. Now, it is easy for small businesses to apply for loans, even with low credit ratings and only one year in business. The alternative lending business has quickly become a popular mode of funding for business owners.

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No More Cold Calling for Marketing, Get High Quality Leads Today!

In the current economic scenario, traditional banks have ceased to fund small businesses, owing to their poor credit ratings. As a result, there is a huge demand for alternate ways of funding to help businesses survive or expand in the market. However, this economic downfall has also provided a great opportunity for alternate lenders to establish themselves as merchant cash advance businesses. Still, the major challenge that these businesses face is finding the right borrowers to target. MCA providers often begin with cold calling with no such MCA marketing strategy in practice.

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Boost Your MCA Advertising Campaigns with Target Oriented Programs

While businesses are always on the lookout for leads that they can collaborate with to boost their business, using a competitive lead generation service can ensure that such leads do come your way. Merchant Financing Leads is a well-known industry leader that helps provide targeted leads by using their best industrial practices and techniques.
Below are the methods, programs, and strategies they adopt to get you the leads you desire and to also give your business the push it needs.

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How Lead Generation Services Can Help You Get Ahead of the Game?

Merchant Cash Advance (MCA) lenders started to address the capital needs of businesses in the US after the recession and affiliated credit crisis. The alternative lending business has quickly become a much needed solution raising needed capital for growing businesses. While MCA loan customers have many choices in the alternative business lending market, they often have difficulty finding and choosing the right lenders because of a lack of understanding and confusion.  MCA loan providers need to take this into consideration and be strategic about how the educate and inform their potential customers on the characteristics and differentiators of their MCA products.

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Get Assured Leads with Pay per Call Programs and Data Lists for your MCA Business

Most businessmen will agree to the fact that lead generation for merchant cash advances is one of the most difficult tasks they perform. While they make huge investments in developing and implementing marketing strategies, their gains don’t seem to do justice to their efforts most often. Moreover, taking care of such activities often shifts the focus of business owners away from their core operations. To mitigate losses that businesses might suffer due to a shift in their focus, they need to outsource their lead generation requirements. Lead generation service providers help you meet your sales targets effectively and without you investing time in it. They will not only help you scale your business growth but also enable you to concentrate on your core tasks by providing the following products and services.

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