Merchant Leads: What’s the Right Time to Call or Email Them?

Did you know that you can ensure your cold calling success by reaching your merchant leads at the right time and on specific days? That being said, predicting the right time to call prospects isn’t easy, especially considering the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the way people work and engage with businesses.

Here’s what research has to say about the right time to call leads in 2022.

Why Does the Time of Day Really Matter?

Just because you have a merchant account cash advance and a prospects’ phone number or email address doesn’t mean your sales call will be successful. Imagine it is 9 pm on a busy weekday. You have just finished your dinner. Receiving a sales call at that moment isn’t a good experience, right? If you’re like most people, you will probably avoid picking up the call. And even if you do, are you going to be receptive to what they have to say? Probably not! The same logic goes for emails. 

What’s the Best Time for Sales Calling? 

According to one study, Wednesday and Thursday are the best days of the week to call prospects. This data isn’t surprising because people usually gear up for the weekend on Friday. On Monday, they are transitioning into work mode. So the middle of the week is best.

Although the most appropriate time to make a phone call is between 8 am and 9 am, making an early morning call is better. More precisely, the late morning before lunch has the highest likelihood of getting your calls answered. It will let you connect with your merchant leads before their to-do lists become overwhelming. 

What’s the Best Time of Day to Email Prospects?

In addition to cold calls, it’s also important to think about when the right time is to send out emails. The best days are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Monday and Saturday are two of the worst days to send sales emails. So if you send out your prospecting emails on either of these days, it might be good to switch to a day that offers better outcomes. 

In terms of the time, messages sent at 10 AM have the maximum email open rate. This is because most professionals in an organization are busy between 8 and 10 AM. Once they have settled into their workday, these times are a good opportunity to gain their attention and send some compelling emails. 

Summing Up 

We are the ultimate lead generation company that gives you access to qualified merchant account cash advance leads. We can help you boost your conversions with the help of our lead generation services. Need to learn more?

Try us out today. 

Top MCA Lead Generation Trends for 2022 and Beyond

After all the ups and downs, we have finally made it through 2021. It is time to welcome 2022. However, it seems that the approaching year is going to be different, where lead generation will be tougher than ever. It will become more challenging for MCA businesses to reach out to potential clients through business loan marketing. Why is that? It is because of the fierce competition and high flow of information.

To adjust better to your prospects and market, you should have a solid lead generation strategy in place.

Be ready to hit the bull’s eye with the following lead generation trends in 2022. 

  • Go Digital

The pandemic has triggered a significant shift towards digitalization. MCA businesses that relied on in-person lead generation strategies are now adapting to unprecedented changes. With remote working, networking and selling activities aren’t the same anymore. As it turns out, businesses are ready to move away from traditional models and work with digital lead generation resources like websites, social media, and content marketing. However, there are some downsides of switching from traditional to digital means. For instance, it requires learning the different processes of prospecting, scoring, and nurturing MCA leads

  • Go Live

One of the biggest significances of digital lead generation is the wide adoption of video conferences and seminars. Since in-person meetings are still kept on hold, MCA providers are going live to interact with their target audience through different digital platforms. After all, video interactions are more effective than traditional ways of communication. So it is highly likely that live conferences and seminars will stay not only in 2022 but in the coming years as well. 

  • Prioritize Email Marketing

You may use different ways to generate MCA leads, but email marketing is  invincible. It is estimated that the number of interactive emails will rise across the MCA industry. In 2022, email marketing is going to be more important than ever. You can use landing pages to get newsletter subscriptions and generate quality leads. Also, consider creating personalized emails to make sure your prospects feel special.

  • More Analytics and Data Insights

Thanks to the latest technological advancements and availability of digital tools, lead generation data has become easier to gather and evaluate. We expect marketers to incorporate more data insights and analytics in 2022. Lead generation will be more data-driven in the future, and analytics will play a key role in it. 

In Conclusion

Following these lead generation trends will benefit your lending business with a fresh list of leads in 2022. Make sure you create the best conditions for the prospects to interact with your company. Also, partnering with a lead generation company like us can really help you hone your market reach and lead generation game in 2022. 

Drop a line to get started. 

MCA Marketing: Tips to Build a Quality Email Marketing Campaign

More than ever, small businesses are relying on alternative funding options like merchant cash advances. For start-ups, these funding solutions are a lifeline for sustaining their growth through challenging times like the COVID-19 pandemic. As the competition is intense among alternative funders, the need to generate high-quality business loan leads with accurate data has become more crucial than ever.

When you are in the MCA industry, striving hard to generate leads, there is nothing more valuable than an effective email list full of interested prospects. Although many people believe that the age of the spam filter has defamed email marketing, the fact is, if you could build a list of businesses who want to receive your emails, you would be able to avoid spam filters.

The following tips will help you build a quality email marketing campaign for your MCA marketing endeavour.

  • Try to Craft More Compelling Offers

We’ll start off with the most important element you need to boost your lead generation efforts and make your offers more appealing. We advise you to tweak button colors and improve your conversion rate. Focus on what you’re offering in exchange for your prospect’s email address.

  • Make it Easy to Enter the Email Address

The simpler your opt-in form, the more likely prospects are going to subscribe. You can remove the name field to grow your email list faster. Consider removing everything from the form except the email address. Every decision you take must make the form simpler and include fewer steps between.

  • Encourage Prospects to Forward Newsletters

When you encourage your subscribers to forward an email, you should have a few things in place. For instance, make sure there is a way for new people to sign up. Also, ask your loyal customers to forward the email to like-minded prospects.

  • Give Your Website Visitors More Content Control

Part of your email lists is to make sure people don’t feel uninterested and don’t unsubscribe. If they can’t keep up with all the emails you’re sending, you shouldn’t force them to unsubscribe. Instead, offer them a light subscription with some different plans. For instance, you can offer a standard subscription with a few emails in a single week. The idea is to keep them on your list and help them engage with the content.

If you want to start generating great results and boost your funding business, you can reap the benefits of our high-quality business loan leads that include fresh and updated data. At Merchant Financing Leads, we focus on providing fresh lists of leads that are high in quality and fair in price. We will take the burden of email marketing off your shoulders and help you grow your funding business.

Talk to us to receive high-quality merchant leads.

Business Loan Marketing: How to do it Right

Business loan leads are the fuel for MCA providers that want to boost their sales and expand their business. These leads are basically interested prospects, mostly small business owners that are in need of financial help. Since they don’t want to apply for traditional bank loans due to insufficient credit scores, these businesses approach MCA providers to meet their funding needs. This is where lead generation companies help these providers thrive and get in touch with fund-seeking businesses.

What to Look for in a Lead Generation Company 

Lead generation companies supply pre-qualified leads that are generated solely for the purpose of business loan marketing and funding. Through market research and database updates, a list of potential prospects is generated and sold to MCA providers for reasonable prices. This is the best way to succeed in the MCA industry and increase your sales. Make sure you review the following notes before you choose a lead generation company.

  • Years of Experience: Make sure your lead generation company is trustworthy and experienced, operating in the MCA industry for years.
  • Updated Database: A good lead generation company always has a database of leads of its own. Find out if the database is up to date and accurate.
  • Pre-Qualified Leads: Following the fresh database, your lead generation company should offer pre-qualified business loan leads that are genuinely interested in your cash advances.
  • Understand Your Needs: A lot of lead generators offer leads without even properly asking what your needs are. Find the ones who understand your business requirement and connect with you.
  • Follows up: Buying leads isn’t enough. You also need to find out a professional who will offer you follow-up services for any inconvenience.

At Merchant Financing Leads, we are one of the leading lead generation professionals in the U.S. We excel in lead generation from all aspects of the industry and have a highly professional team of professionals with 10+ years of experience, allowing us to filter out the best leads for conversions. Our leads are fresh and exclusive with a high conversion ratio. Here are a few attributes that make us stand out:

  • We focus on providing fresh and quality leads rendered from our rich database.
  • Our leads come with comprehensive contact details of the merchants.
  • We have access to the right prospects who are interested in cash advances.
  • Our representatives fully understand the clients’ needs and offer the best solutions.
  • We also help MCA providers through the conversion process.

Lead generation is a process of examining, filtering, and verifying potential candidates. We practice our service carefully to create a database of lists with promising prospects so that you don’t have to waste your time for verification.

Have any questions regarding business loan marketing? Contact us.

Essential Business Lead Generation: Don’t Make these Mistakes

Are you having trouble finding leads for essential business loans? Don’t know how to successfully boost your MCA sales pipeline? Then you really need to pay attention to your prospecting techniques. Disappearing potential customers represents a bigger problem in your prospecting. Get ready to bite the bullet and nail your MCA lead generation endeavour with these prospecting methods.

  • Don’t Skip Cold-Calling

Whether you like it or not, cold-calling is an effective prospecting method to source new prospects. In fact, more than 82% of buyers are ready to accept meetings with salespeople after a series of contacts. Cold-calls are the process of going from complete strangers to loyal customers. So do your research on the lead beforehand to demonstrate the value of your MCA services.

  • Don’t Stop Prospecting 

In the essential business lead generation industry, prospecting never ends. It may sound a bit grim, but keep in mind that your sales prospecting method is an ongoing event, not just a one-time event. You need to arrange your time and stay consistent with phone calls.

  • Don’t Target Bad Leads

When you are developing your sales prospecting plan, it’s important to prefer quality over quantity. Don’t waste time generating and chasing bad leads that don’t fit your lending business. Having uninterested people in your sales pipeline is just a waste of your time and money.

  • Don’t Hesitate to Ask for Referrals 

Referrals are a reliable prospecting method and one of the fastest revenue drivers. Since sales are all about building trust, most people trust referrals from people they know. This technique allows potential prospects to move through your sales pipeline faster. With referrals, prospects are ready to take your call and make decisions. Thus, don’t be too shy to ask for referrals from your most trusted customers.

  • Don’t Forget to Follow-Up 

A follow-up is the most important B2B sales prospecting technique because it guarantees that your customer won’t fall through the cracks. It helps you push your prospect through the sales pipeline as quickly as possible, making sure that you keep your prospects in the loop by following them up. This includes sending over resources and confirming the meeting.

  • Don’t Sell Without Qualifying 

Prospecting may be the initial step in selling, but it’s not selling. It is all about researching and finding the right leads for your merchant cash advance business. Prospects should enter the sales funnel only after they are properly qualified. And once you have qualified leads, then the selling process can begin. S, don’t sell to your leads before they are qualified.

We hope you found this blog post helpful. If you’re interested in outsourcing leads for essential business loans from a trusted lead generation company, Merchant Financing Leads is here to guide you.

Feel free to drop a message. 

How to Succeed With Merchant Cash Advance Marketing

If you are in the MCA business and want to attract prospective clients, getting merchant cash advance leads is the right approach. These leads will help you learn about your target prospects and strategize a result-oriented merchant cash advance marketing campaign.

When you invest your time and effort in the right lead and craft an effective strategy, you will increase your conversions, sales, and ROI.

To guide you in your journey, we have mentioned a few ways to make your marketing endeavour successful.

  • Focusing on the Market Consistently 

Keeping keen eyes on the merchant cash advance market is the best thing you can do. This will help you get in touch with businesses who are interested in your services and are actively looking for an MCA. Staying active will allow you to create more fruitful advertising campaigns and attract the most qualified leads.

  • Updating the Information From Time to Time

When you are in the MCA sector, keeping your data up to date is crucial for merchant cash advance advertising. This is where carrying out effective market research helps you identify good and bad leads. If the lead’s information is fresh and accurate, there is a greater chance that its rewards are high. If you want to be accurate with your information or data, use reliable sources for lead generation.

  • Making the Most of Outbound Marketing 

Often known as interruption marketing, outbound marketing allows you to promote a product through continued promotions, advertisements, public relations, and sales. Although it’s a traditional version of marketing, it is a great way to ensure that you get high-quality leads.

  • Providing 24/7 Customer Support

Being an MCA provider means you need to take care of lots of questions and queries. Having a qualified sales and marketing team isn’t enough. You also need to have a customer support team to take care of leads and their concerns.

Eliminate the Hard Work and Buy Quality Leads for Your MCA Business 

Generating leads can become tough as it takes a large amount of time, money, and effort. You need to qualify the leads, determine their accuracy, and then target them accordingly. However, there is an alternative, and it’s called Merchant Financing Leads.

Does it make sense to purchase merchant cash advance leads? If yes, then we are here to assist you in your lead generation journey. We offer lead generation services that will help you reach your potential buyers without any hassle. And you know what? You don’t have to worry about the quality of the lead.

Our lead generation professionals are specialized in their domain areas. Buying MCA leads from us makes it easy to calculate ROI for your business. Also, you can save a considerable amount of time and money.

Drop a message to begin your lead generation journey.

How UCC Merchant Cash Advance Leads Boost MCA Marketing

If you are an MCA provider looking forward to finding loan-seeking small businesses, you should concentrate on generating UCC telemarketing lists. These lists come from some of the best lead generation systems in the business funding industry. They act as a valuable tool when you want to reach potential customers and expand your lending business.

UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) filings occur when businesses sell something to other businesses on credit. This shows whether a business is borrowing a lot of money and is planning to expand its operations.

Below, we discuss a few good reasons why UCC merchant cash advance leads are rewarding.

  • They are Accurate 

Information sourced from government-related filings, such as UCC, is accurate and reliable, you can use this data to build your contact lists. This data generally controls a host of details, location, and industry, helping you target the right prospects with the right information.

  • They Narrow Your Options 

With thorough and accurate data, you will be able to effectively narrow your alternative financing options and go beyond the traditional demographic. UCC leads help you deliver messages that are relevant to the companies in your targeted industries.

  • They Complement Prospecting Resources 

UCC filings have great synergy and help other business prospecting resources such as bankruptcy lists and business credit reports. This gives you a comprehensive view of a prospect’s viability. The amount of data potentially collected from these filings is remarkable. With this data, it is often possible to determine whether a business needs a loan or not.

  • They Help You Compete 

The right timing is often the best way to gain new business leads in the MCA market. When you properly integrate UCC leads into your alternative financing marketing strategies, you can outpace the majority of your competitors. With regular updates, you will know when a small business needs a loan that you can provide before other providers.

How We’re Different 

Since there’s increasingly fierce competition in the merchant cash advance industry these days, you should hire the best lead generation service provider to get verified UCC leads. That’s why Merchant Financing Leads ensures to save you time by offering first-rate UCC telemarketing lists. When compared with other lead generation companies, our prices are competitive and our services are top-notch. Plus, we don’t send the same lead to multiple lenders. Each lead you receive is 100% exclusive and verified.

It’s the ability to work with some of the most prestigious lenders that sets us apart from the competition. With our high-quality UCC leads, you’ll be able to acquire more leads, boost your sales, and achieve your business goals – all at once.

Hire the best UCC Merchant Cash Advance lead generation agency.

Why it’s Important to Check the Quality of Merchant Cash Advance Leads

Lead quality vs. quantity: this has been an age-old argument in the lead generation sphere. Although quantity matters a lot, quality rules most of the sphere. It isn’t inherently bad to generate a great deal of merchant cash advance leads, but it is always best to check their quality. To ensure the quality, ask yourself these questions:

  • Are you having qualified leads?
  • Do they contain accurate information?
  • Will they align with your current business goals?
  • What about conversions?

Business owners who say quality is the most important factor for their lead generation efforts tend to gain an edge over the ones who don’t think the same. In fact, 70% of B2B marketers suggest that improving the quality of leads is the most crucial concern of their lead generation strategy. This doesn’t mean that quantity has no impact on the sales pipeline, but one should know how to keep a balance between quantity and quality.

The Effectiveness of High-Quality Merchant Cash Advance Leads

How do you define quality leads? Well, they refer to prospects with a high propensity to convert into customers. The better the quality of the leads, the more likely they will convert and buy your loan. When you classify leads as high-quality leads using lead scoring techniques, you get an edge over your competitors. These leads generally have a strong product fit, helping you increase customer engagement and retention. On top of that, they are easier for your team to manage and acquire.

The Importance of Quality Lead Generation

We all know that your lead generation strategy determines how your business will flourish, but a quality lead generation process is the most effective approach. Without it, your funding business won’t make sales and will certainly struggle to grow. When you have an absolute and clear strategy, you create a targeted list of businesses that are looking for MCAs. This gives you access to proper data and a clearer picture of your potential clients. Furthermore, quality lead generation nurtures customer relationships, too.

The Role of Lead Generation Companies

Since lead generation is a complicated and time-taking endeavor, several MCA businesses depend on lead generation companies to attract more and more prospects. That’s an effective approach when you want to ensure your services standout from the competition and, yes, increase the chances of conversions.

Ending Remarks

Now that you know everything about quality merchant cash advance advertising, it’s time to buy quality leads from Merchant Financing Leads. We follow an agile process when it comes to checking the quality of leads before transferring or distributing them. If you want to know about all the options, we have to help you with the lead generation process, we are here to guide you.

Request a demo to invest in the highest quality leads.

5 Lead Nurturing Tips to Strengthen Your MCA Marketing Efforts

Since most MCA providers rely on inbound marketing to generate business loan leads, the importance of having a robust lead nurturing strategy becomes quite evident. You know, only a small percentage of your inbound leads will make an immediate purchase, leaving most of your leads on the table. By implementing an effective lead nurturing strategy, you can have a huge impact on your revenue.

At Merchant Financing Leads, we understand that lead nurturing is as crucial as lead generation. Just like almost any inbound strategy, there are a number of ways to do it. Let’s explore some of the most effective lead nurturing techniques in this blog post.

  • Start Retargeting 

Retargeting can be rewarding when it’s done right. By using ads targeted to users who have already visited your website or engaged with your content, you can reap great benefits from your retargeting campaign. Also, it is important to ensure that you follow up with your business loan leads in a timely manner.

  • Use Personalized Emails 

Email marketing has been a cornerstone of MCA marketing and with personalization, it produces better results. Email marketing is a highly effective tactic for lead generation along with nurturing. By sending triggered emails to business owners who have completed an action, you can start delivering the right marketing messages to the right people.

  • Emphasize Lead Scoring 

Lead scoring is used to rank prospects on a scale that indicates their perceived value. This value is based on certain website browsing behaviours, conversion events, and social media interactions. Make sure you determine which leads should be followed up and which leads need to be nurtured.

  • Test a Variety of Content 

Your potential prospects appreciate informative content. Some customers love reading e-books while others prefer podcasts. So do not try to stick with just one type of content. Depending on the behaviours and tastes of your target audience, keep evolving and testing different types of content to nurture your leads as per their demand.

  • Be Patient, Be Persistent 

Lead nurturing requires several touch points across phone, email, and social media. When you want to focus on multi-channel lead nurturing, there is an array of things to keep in mind. It may take several attempts to get in touch with a lead. So it’s critical to stay consistent and patient with your lead nurturing efforts.


Although there are no magic bullets when it comes to lead nurturing, Merchant Financing Leads can help you strengthen your MCA marketing efforts. We have access to exclusive business loan leads containing fresh and updated business data. Whether you want to improve your conversions or boost your lead nurturing campaign, buy business loan leads from an experienced lead generation company.

Want to learn more about lead nurturing? Contact us.