Are you working in the merchant cash advance industry and looking for ways to market your business? In today’s competitive world, when businesses are searching for innovative ideas on how to attract more and more customers to sell merchant cash advances, it is really difficult to find new prospects. Thankfully, MCA leads lists exist such as live transfer leads that help target prospects appropriately.

Live Transfer Leads and the need to consider them
Basically, a live transfer lead is when a lead generating company screens a possible lead and immediately connects it to the company through live transfers. Several studies reveal that operating a business demands taking risks; and if you do not stand first, you will be last. Moreover, research has found that when a company is connected to a prospect under one minute, the conversion rate increases by 391 per cent. With the help of live transfer, the connection happens even faster. So, when several merchant cash providers compete for the same prospect, the closing rates fall significantly. When using leads generated through live transfers, the prospect is sent to only one company. This cuts the competition down and increases conversion rates.
At Merchant Financing Leads, we provide fresh and qualified live transfer leads to help you reach target prospects efficiently. We understand the current market situation and will provide you with the best possible solution for your business in order to help you increase sales and maximize profits. We offer the most cost effective and DNC complaint live transfer lead generation program in the MCA industry.
Benefits of Live Transfers
Studies suggest that 78% of all sales happen to go to the company who is first to interact with the prospect. Using our qualified live transfer leads will ensure that you are always the company that comes first. Moreover, they give you the opportunity to communicate and connect with a prospect the moment the prospect shows interest. In this way, our qualified live transfer leads come out to be the perfect solution for merchant cash advance marketing. Additionally, when you purchase live transfer from us, you only pay for qualified leads, speak only to qualified merchants, and receive leads during banker’s hours- no holidays, no weekends, etc.
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With more than six years of experience in the merchant cash industry, we comprehend what it takes to succeed and how to launch a perfect merchant cash advance marketing campaign using our qualified leads. We blend top-notch technology, well- trained call center reps and a proprietary business owner database to deliver outstanding results from our merchant cash advance live transfer campaigns. Our network of call centers is generating hundreds of qualified live transfers on a daily basis.
The live transfer leads we generate are highly reliable and ensure guaranteed prospects because of the credibility of the resources and the conversion ratio. The lists guarantee an accuracy up to 93 per cent. Moreover, the data contained in the lists is first checked, confirmed, and then filtered to ensure integrity and authenticity of the information.